Welcome To My Little World

I’m so happy you stumbled upon my little corner of the internet!
On here, I want to write about all the things that bring me joy and hope to maybe inspire you, dear reader, to find something that brings you joy as well.

Today I want to introduce some of the things that I’ll be writing about on this blog.

First Of All – Why I’m A Snowdrop

There’s a time when the days are dark and the world is cold. There is winter.
Sometimes, winter lasts for years in someone’s heart.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to go on about my struggles with mental health and sickness for too long but I do find it important to acknowledge – winter will always come again.

This is why I want to especially cherish the brighter times in life. The warm days, when happiness grows like wild flowers in all the places you might not even notice till you go looking for them.

As someone with an invisible disabillity I thought I’m less worthy for a long time. That there’s something wrong with me and the way my life is.
I felt flawed and like I don’t deserve to be happy, let alone content.
Anyone else would in my eyes but not me, I was “obviously not disabled”.

It seems to be a common misconception that someone has to “look disabled” in order to be valid.
This couldn’t be further from the truth but it made me push myself beyond all reason to “be normal”.

Till I lost myself and further.

I’m writing abut this, becasue it is the reason I write under the name “Snowdrop”
Like a snowdrop I’m ready to rise and bloom after a long, cold winter.

The Fabric Of My Life

Anyone who knows me knows:
I life and breathe fiber-crafts!
I love to create things with my own hands, especially when they can serve a purpose!
While I do like to try my hands at all sorts of crafts every now and then, I’m most passionate about all things fiber – particularly yarn

Ever since I started crocheting and discovered the cuddly world of Amigurumi (stuffed toys) a few years ago, I’ve been utterly addicted to all things yarn.
Soon, I started to design my own Amigurumi and had a go at writing patterns for them.
I’m so excited I have a space to share these patterns now!

My first own design.
There will be a post containing this pattern soon!

While I adored crochet, I didn’t like knitting at all. I found it to be annoying and overly complicated and ”you can only make boring things anyways, I mean who needs to knit socks and sweaters? You can buy those! Machines can’t crochet but they can knit so why bother with those slippery, pokey-“
To conclude my many long rants: I’m a knitter now. It’s the best!

If you can think of a craft using fibers – I probably do it.
I crochet, knit, dabble in some messy embroidery, sew a bit and just picked up spinning yarn.
By this point I probably wouldn’t even surprise anyone if I raised my own sheep as well…

Stitching Stories

I’m a bit of a fantasy nerd.
If I could be a magical elven girl living in the woods doing magic and talking to the trees I would!
But till I found a portal into a world like that, I’ll be jealously reading about them.

I might be raving about a few books ocasionally, however I’m such a slow reader, that it might be a less than annual occasion.

Books aren’t just for reading for me though – I also like to bind them.
I still consider myself a beginner at it and love to talk about the learning process as well as try and teach the basics and simple techniques I’ve learned so far.

There’s a certain beauty in writing down your thoughts in a book especially made for you. When the owner of the book is reflected not only in the writing on the pages but in the paper they’re made out of and the cover surrounding it.

Connecting With The World

Did you ever have a penpal?
While letters are a largely forgotten form of communication, it’s the most wonderful one I’ve ever tried.

Receiving a letter from one of the amazing people I have the honor of exchanging mail with, so special and joyous over and over again!
Everyone has their own unique style and their personality shines through every spec of ink, their handwriting, what paper they use and more!

Letters have been a big part in my journey to learn all those “normal” things I struggle with.
On this journey, I found a few ways to make it more accessible for me and maybe others as well, so I’ll definetly talk about in more detail eventually!

They also helped me to break out of the isolation that can come with not being part of a class or workplace or anything alike.
They truly mean a lot to me.

I do realise, that letters might sound boring at first, if you’re not immediately dreaming about sitting in a wood cabin somewhere in a whimsical forest, writing lost spells to your fellow elves, fairies or witches by candle light. However, there’s so much opportunity for creativity, self-expression and fun to be had!

And who says we can’t romanticise the process to feel just as magical?

Fulfillment In Simplicity

There’s a lot of empty space in my days, and I’m greatful for any way I can find to fill some of it.
My crafts have been a way for me to get out and express myself without having to speak or actually go outside, which are things I can’t reliably do.
While this might be a bit out of the ordinary, I think it’s important for everyone to find things they enjoy doing, as well as finding things that bring us joy.
Different hobbies, happenings and activities can spend comfort, warmth or just fun.

It doesn’t have to be a big, special new object, a vacation or getting a promotion.
For me, there’s joy in the smell of the air and every step outside. There’s joy in the sunrise and the song of birds, in the clicking of my knitting needles and the ink forming words on my letters.
There’s fulfillment in being myself, improving, resting, keeping on going.

The few things I mentioned aren’t a full list of all the wonderful things I want to shine a light on.
Rather, it’s an overview of what kinds of things to expect.
I want to introduce all the fun things I know and go on about sunny days and pretty flowers.

My world is small but it is wide.
It’s a place full of inspiration, passion and magic.
It’s a place where we’re allowed to bloom wherever we are in life.
It’s a place where we aren’t ashamed of our happy tears and excited sqeals.

To be thrilled by the stars at night,
to be elated over a bird’s nest or a wildflower in spring –
these are some of the rewards of a simple life.

Thank you for taking the time to read my rambling!
May your days be filled with simple joys and inspiration
Have a wonderful week!


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