When the world awakes to new life and the fresh blossoms starting to bloom show the arrival of a new beginning.
A new beginning such as the start of this whole blog!

But how did I come up with such craziness?
Well, as I excitedly rushed out the door the other day to find myself immersed in the fresh smell of cut grass and moist soil, the fresh air and warmth of the sun tingling my skin, I also found myself wishing I could share the joy I felt in this moment.
It might sound arbitrary to leave the house and take a walk through familiar streets and bare fields, but for me it’s a rare, exciting treat!
Learn more about why in my upcoming post, in which I’ll introduce my tiny world.
A Buzzing Awakening

As we walked by we noticed, this whole hedge was buzzing from bees and bumblebees. But they were too buisy to stop and smile for the camera!
Is there a sound more bright than bird song?
I’m not talking about the sounds of crows, that never leave for warmer places as winter takes over.
I mean actual song, sung by tiny litte, colourful feather-beans!
I wish I was one of those people, that can distinguish the different types of bird by their voice, but the only one I can call out for sure is the Cuckoo and admittedly, I’m not too keen on those.
I just can’t help myself to not think “I know what you’re doing to your conspecifics!”, every time I hear one!
We Are Not Alone

But it’s not as scary, as it sounds!
The beautiful light, perfect temperature and delicate blossoms didn’t just lure out a whole lot of bikers and strollers – We saw our first butterflies of the year as well!
One of them, a true model!

~Say Cheese!~
Did you know, that brimestone butterflies have a life span of 12 months, meaning they have the longest life expectancy of all central european butterflies?
They’re also the only ones as such, that winter freely in verdue! They can reduce the freezing point of their body fluids to be able to withstand temperatures of -20°C without harm, even when they’re fully covered in snow!
And here I was, thinking that butterflies are fragile beings…
The Colours Of The Wind
There are a lot of reasons I love spring.
From the warmer temperatures and longer days, to the symbolism of a new begining and incredible impact to my mental health.
While the rainy days of autumn and glittering frost of winter invite to cozy up and dream away behind books and clicking knitting needles, I find there is nothing more beneficial for my mental health, than the brightness and colour of spring!

If like me, you find yourself struggling to feel fully alive sometimes and you’re able to go outside, I highly recommend you to step outside and see, if the fresh smell, bright colours and warming sun of the world waking up from it’s long slumber, can make your heart feel just a bit less heavy.
I don’t think there needs to be an excuse for strolling around and getting excited about literally small things, such as a little daisy on the side of the road.
Life is so full of noise, flashing colours and beings, that require our attention.
I think it’s important and incredibly fulfilling to take some time and choose some moments of calm – remember the joy of the world, we so often forget about.
Spring will come and so will happiness.
Hold on – Life will get warm again.
So Where Do We Go From Here?
Be it in the company of critters in a deep, dark forest, in the refreshing breeze on an open meadow, or just on a bus stop next to the ever lasting noise of a busy street;
Take a deep breath
And take a look around.
Can you see the change of season?
Perhaps it’s the melody of birds, singing of far away places, or the bursts of colours starting to bloom all around.
Or maybe it’s the weight of your winter jacket, no longer on your shoulders.
Spring is here and so is the time to run around and sing with the birds!

Just not with the Cuckoos! Those meanies already have clocks made to mimick them, so it’s only fair to give our other feather-friends some love as well!
There’s so many wonderful things to do, as the days get warmer and longer!
I’m really looking forward to try my hands at some photography this year!
It’s also about time for me, to start making some knitted and crocheted warm weather items, such as lacy shawls to wrap myself in on those cooler nights, reading on the balcony and my first knitted dress, which I’m planning to cast on soon!
Of course, most of my time is still spent inside crafting, reading, gaming and apparently now blogging.
But spring sending its gentle embrace through my open windows and walks like today’s, will keep my heart filled with fresh brightness and joy!
Thank you for taking the time to read my rambling!
Have a wonderful week!
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